nick wright planning


East Lothian Rural Voice | pointers for integrated policy

By Nick Wright on January 26, 2013
all posts community engagement

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about a fresh’n’lo approach to rural planning. It described a pioneering public/private sector collaborative approach to informing the next generation of rural planning policy in East Lothian, with the objective of encouraging more rural investment, more diverse and sustainable rural economies, and thriving rural communities.

Now, Richard Heggie at Urban Animation and I have completed our report and analysis of the workshop and survey, with the support of Haddington-based surveyors and architects Chalmers and Co and East Lothian Council.

As well as describing rural people’s and businesses’s aspirations for the future of the countryside, the report contains some pointers for future policyEast Lothian Rural Forum is now exploring how to take those pointers forward. The Forum is looking at how land use planning, Community Planning and economic development can contribute in the round, for the simple reason that joined-up thinking is needed to help our rural communities and businesses realise their full potential.

We think there are some wider lessons for other parts of rural Scotland, as we explain in the executive summary. We hope you’ll agree.