nick wright planning


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community-led planning: success stories

24 Nov 2020

Communities sometimes ask: what’s the point of a community-led plan?  Why sit around talking about a plan?  Why not just get on with what needs to be done? There are two answers to this.  The first answer is: how do you know what needs to be done if you haven’t...


Making the most of digital engagement

20 Jul 2020

[Image]There's been a lot of talk about online engagement in planning since lockdown started in March, much of it focussing on the use of web platforms for public Pre-Application Consultation on planning applications and Local Development Plan consultations. The Scottish Government's flexibility in allowing online consultation in these statutory contexts...


If early engagement is such a great thing, why isn’t everyone doing it?

15 Jun 2020

The original version of this article, jointly authored with Kathie Pollard of the Scottish Land Commission, was published on the Land Commission website on 15 June 2020. This version has been slightly updated. [Image] Research aims  The principle of early public engagement is enshrined in recent major reforms to Scottish...


redesigning George Square | a fresh start

09 Feb 2020

[Image]Towards the end of last year, Glasgow City Council decided to ask its citizens a simple question about George Square: is it time for a change? Many will remember the international design competition for George Square held in 2012-13.  It promised a radical redesign of the most celebrated public space...


Local Place Plans | what are they?

27 Jan 2020

[Image]Local Place Plans - one of the provisions of the new Scottish planning system - are the subject of much uncertainty in the world of Scottish planning. Have they started yet? What will they look like? How will they relate to Local Development Plans and other plans? Who will prepare...


the value of early engagement: where's the evidence?

27 Jan 2020

[Image]My colleague Steven Tolson and I are delighted that the Scottish Land Commission has asked us to research the value of early public engagement in the planning system. We see this as really important piece of research by the Commission. Why? Because, despite the principle of early public engagement being...