nick wright planning
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Lessons from two years of Local Place Planning

Local Place Plans arrive in the Highlands

Delivering NPF4 through mixed use placemaking

20 Minute Neighbourhoods in the Highlands and Islands

Scotland's Town Toolkit: inspiration to help your town flourish

Community led action planning in a pandemic

community-led planning: success stories

If early engagement is such a great thing, why isn’t everyone doing it?

Foxbar pilot Local Place Plan and 'how-to' guide

creating a buzz: the collaborative city centre

exam time for Councillors!

About me

I am a chartered town planner and Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute, a qualified mediator and a trained facilitator. After fifteen years working as a town planner in Scottish local authorities and community housing development in Indonesia, I established Nick Wright Planning in 2004.
For me, planning is about shaping our environment for the future. That needs imagination, creativity and a desire to positively embrace change and risk.
I can’t do all that on my own. So I work with communities, activists, businesses, artists, civil servants, young people, architects, other planners, Councillors and all the other people who create places and make them tick.
My role is to make things happen: bringing people together, helping them to share ideas and solutions, and translating aspirations into action.

We live our lives through places. They shape how we live, they give us memories, and they bear witness to the major events of our lives. Little wonder, then, that changing ...

We live our lives through places. They shape how we live, they give us memories, and they bear witness to the major events of our lives. Little wonder, then, that changing places can be so charged and controversial.
People live, work and play in the environments that we create. Everybody has feelings, knowledge and experience about where they live. Many people want to communicate these things when faced with change in their local community. Some are angry, some are reticent, some are shy. There are good reasons for planners, politicians and developers to listen carefully to those views. Listening not only informs better design and planning, it also helps to resolve conflict and build momentum for change.
Not everyone will get what they want, but neither should they be kept in the dark. Top-down command-and-control is no longer a viable way of creating enduring places of quality. That needs dialogue and collaboration between local communities, businesses, politicians, the public sector and everybody else who has a stake in a place’s future. Professionals should be on tap to help design future places and make them become reality.
Collaboration has immense power to achieve positive change. My job is to support that collaboration.

From the nooks and crannies of inner cities to unspoilt coasts and mountains, places fascinate me. So does how we shape them.
In Britain, there are few places that are unto...

From the nooks and crannies of inner cities to unspoilt coasts and mountains, places fascinate me. So does how we shape them.
In Britain, there are few places that are untouched by humanity. It might be more obvious in our cities, but it’s just as true in the countryside. Every part of our landscape, every one of those places that make up our country, is shaped by our decisions.
Some of those decisions are strategic, like encouraging investment in town centres. Others are detailed, like making sure bus stops and cycle lanes are in the right places for people to get in and out of important buildings.
My job as a planner is to help make those decisions so we that get places that work for us, and places that we love. Professionals should never lose sight of the fact that people have to live, work and play in the places that we plan.

Planning, for me, is the art of making good places that are future-proofed.
It involves managing change. That doesn’t just mean stopping things happening – it means usin...

Planning, for me, is the art of making good places that are future-proofed.
It involves managing change. That doesn’t just mean stopping things happening – it means using creativity, imagination and ambition to create positive futures.
It involves managing change. That doesn’t just mean stopping things happening – it means using creativity, imagination and ambition to create positive futures.
A good planner has to understand many things: development economics, building design, the rhythm of the seasons, procedures and legislation, strategy and detail… the list is endless. But even the best-informed planner won’t excel unless they understand people. That’s why skills like facilitation, mediation and leadership are so important.
To help people to plan for the future of their place, my job is to help them work together, be imaginative and ambitious, and to think through the impacts of their decisions.