nick wright planning
Community engagement
All news and projects relating to community engagement
Local Place Plans arrive in the Highlands
Highland Council has registered their first Local Place Plan.
Stratherrick and Foyers, south of Loch Ness, are the first out of the blocks. It means that the community now has a plan that sets out ...
Digital engagement in the pandemic: sharing the learning
[640-alexandria.png] Online community engagement has received increasing attention during the last 2 years. For some people it means yet more time on Zoom calls, for others it means Surveymonkey a...
20 minute neighbourhoods & Local Place Plans - new tools for a healthier, greener Scotland
[Image]This is an edited version of an article written for RTPI Scotland on 26 January 2021. Creating places for people, supporting communities to shape where they live, and planning for the green ...
community-led planning: success stories
Communities sometimes ask: what’s the point of a community-led plan? Why sit around talking about a plan? Why not just get on with what needs to be done?
There are two answers to this. The fir...
Making the most of digital engagement
[Image]There's been a lot of talk about online engagement in planning since lockdown started in March, much of it focussing on the use of web platforms for public Pre-Application Consultation on pl...
If early engagement is such a great thing, why isn’t everyone doing it?
The original version of this article, jointly authored with Kathie Pollard of the Scottish Land Commission, was published on the Land Commission website on 15 June 2020. This version has been sligh...